yup, this is the new digital camera bought by my dad ♥ few weeks ago
it is quite small size and convenient to be put into the bag =)
furthermore, it is red in colour!!
Recently, love red very muchie muchie XD
here's some review about this little red thing^^
errr, i also dont know how to write a proper review actuall, so pictures will let u all know better (in my opinion)~
the function of this camera is not as pro as a DSLR, but it is enough for me before saving enough money to buy a better one XD
anyway, my target is only semi-pro camera, beloved Canon G12^^
for those who are viewing my blog, pls dont vomit while looking at my SS photos..hehe
gonna start now~~
auto function~~
u can also turn to P=Program function, so u can adjust to a few style that u like..examples as below:
miniature effect which blurs the upper and bottom part~~
colour accent~~
poster effect~~
black and white~~
super vivid
toy camera effect
with different ISOssss
other than that, fucntions like smart shuttle, high-speed burst which shoot continuously to capture moving objects and best image selection that selects the best shot from a sequence og images..
this camera quite ok for me^^
that's all for the review..yeah, i know i m not so good in writing the review..LOlsss
yet, happy reading =)
nitezzz XD